i read pretty

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

another thing about Danielewski

this guy is crazy. and smart as a whip.

can you think of another writer who has had a reading from his book become a Top 40 hit, however briefly? the video is below (the reading from House of Leaves). it's a bit creepy though, because it's his sister singing and covered in mud (his sister is Poe)

the strangest thing about it all is that the book is such a bizarre, experimental work --- the kind of thing that seems doomed to obscurity on a normal day.


At 2:52 PM, Blogger kaylen said...

see but that's what i'm liking about house of leaves- it's experimental in so many formal ways... the idea is so creepy and simple... i am ragingly jealous. and sincerey shivering at places.


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